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AI for Healthcare Bootcamp

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AI for Healthcare Bootcamp is an interdisciplinary program for mentored research at the intersection of AI and Medicine. Stanford computer science students work on high-impact research problems in small teams mentored by clinical faculty and Bootcamp leads. 

Previous projects include:

  • EEGs can be used to predict improvement to depression treatment
  • Chest x-ray models (XRay4All) can perform robustly in the ED / Express Care
  • Density-based cell sorting using magnetic levitation can be automated
  • Red-blood-cell disorders can be automatically detected using a magnetic levitation device
  • Hospital readmissions can be predicted 30 days in advance
  • Pathology models can automatically navigate microscope slides for cancer diagnosis

Call for Mentors & Projects - Fall Quarter 2023

We are delighted to invite AIMI affiliated faculty to be a part of the upcoming Stanford AI for Healthcare Bootcamp, an interdisciplinary program for mentored research at the intersection of AI and Medicine. Stanford computer science students work on high-impact research problems in small teams mentored by clinical faculty and Bootcamp leads. We are currently seeking project ideas and mentors for Fall Quarter 2023.

Program mentors provide clinical/technical guidance through weekly meetings and work with a small team to develop an AI solution for a clinically significant problem. Bootcamp projects generally lead to a co-authored manuscript. Mentors will not need to provide funding for the students who have technical skills in AI/ML but are participating as learners.

Proposals must be from Stanford researchers and must be related to artificial intelligence in healthcare. Projects should also be scoped such that students (working in groups of 1-3) can accomplish major milestones within one or two quarters. Importantly, data for the project must be available by the time project ideas are shared with students on September 26, 2023. It is fine for multiple project groups to work independently on the same data.

Important Dates:

  • September 13, 2023 – Projects & Mentor Proposal Form – Deadline for projects for Fall Quarter
  • Week of September 19-23 – Meeting with mentors that are selected for Fall Quarter
  • September 26, 2023 – Fall Quarter projects begin
  • September 26, 2023 – Data for projects starting Fall quarter must be available

To Apply:

Please complete this brief form to be considered for the Fall Quarter 2023 Bootcamp. Please contact us at if you have any questions.