AIMI Journal Club: Privacy-Preserving Generative Deep Neural Networks Support Clinical Data Sharing - Brett Beaulieu-Jones, PhD
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Virtual Event
Stanford community & AIMI affiliates only
Jones-Beaulieu, B., et al. Privacy-Preserving Generative Deep Neural Networks Support Clinical Data Sharing. Circ Cardiovasc Outcomes 2019 Jul;12(7):e005122. doi: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.118.005122.
Dr. Beaulieu-Jones received his PhD from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Dr. Jason Moore and Dr. Casey Greene. Beaulieu-Jones’ doctoral research focused on using machine learning-based methods to more precisely define phenotypes from large-scale biomedical data repositories, e.g., those contained in clinical records. He joined Dr. Isaac Kohane’s lab to do his postdoc, where he has been focused on using machine learning to better understand the heterogeneity of neurological diseases and conditions, specifically Parkinson’s disease and Epilepsy. He is a former general chair and on the advisory board for the Machine Learning for Health Workshop at NeurIPS and is a founding board member for the Association for Health Learning and Inference (parent organization of ML4H and CHIL).
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