Director's Welcome

Machine learning provides an unprecedented opportunity to extract meaning from medical data and to develop tools that improve patient care. In Silicon Valley and around the world, billions of dollars are drawn to this new industry. The AIMI Center is a long-term scholarly initiative that will require a combination of technical and clinical skill, and, like many informatics initiatives, will depend critically on collaboration among clinicians, computer scientists, statisticians, and informatics professionals. Stanford's pre-eminence in this field depends not only on active collaborations between the schools of Medicine and Engineering, but also on dynamic engagements with corporate partners who can deliver innovations to clinicians and patients. Our ultimate strength is our second-to-none collaborative, diverse, and talented faculty, staff, and students, all of whom subscribe to important values:
- We actively pursue interdisciplinary collaboration. The Center's key strength is the partnership between clinical and technical experts. Each project typically engages at least one clinical and one technical expert.
- We treat medical data as a precious shared resource. We encourage open access to data by all who are authorized to do so. We work in good faith within institutional policies to use the data for the benefit of patients.
- We are team players. We use shared resources collaboratively. When others have needs and we have resources available, we share. We are respectful of the resources shared with us.
- We are transparent about our work. We keep others informed about our activities. We are free and open with our ideas.
- We cultivate collaborations with industry. Industry funding can magnify our resources and our efforts. We balance industry funding with our academic mission.
- We preserve our culture. We ask anyone who joins our group to sustain and enjoy the Center's open, friendly, and supportive environment.